Rose Eta Logo That which I take into account

Principle of Address

The Principle of Address is an economical three-part organizing framework in the form of a creed for the purpose of addressing encountered assertions.


I will not take into account, nor will I permit to inform either my actions or my worldview by, those things which have not been shown to be true.

Due Diligence

For something to have been shown to be true I require that one or more systems of justification be satisfied. Those systems (ordered by descending importance) include: science, mathematics and logic; followed by other truth-seeking academic disciplines.


(A) Ethical Voice
I am at liberty to remain silent, but I must not deny that which has been shown to be true.
(B) Contextualize
For those things which have been shown to be true, I am at liberty and therefore not obligated to: take them into account; or permit them to inform either my actions or worldview.